Four Steps to a
Better Year! Online Course
With 1-on-1 Coaching
Get Next Year on Track Now: Create a
Targeted, Practical, Just-for-You,
One-Year Marketing Plan
Why bother with an annual marketing plan?
By the seat of your pants, you’ve reached a certain level of success,
but you work way too hard, with
scattershot effort. Now it's time for
focused, strategic action.
You've been marketing
just whenever you feel like it or can
spare the time, and your cash flow shows
it. Sometimes you're aflush with
income and too often, you hit a stretch
of famine.
Or you have a goal,
such as making your new product a success,
becoming the "go-to" firm in your industry,
doubling your market share or
being able to take five
vacations a year. |
Success becomes far
easier when you know what to do and when to do it.
Gear up for success this year with help from a
marketing coach who has world-class experience in reputation building and creative outreach to current and new markets.
With the Marketing Plan Course, you
plan step by step
In the privacy of your
home or office, devote some concentrated and
directed energy to how you want the
coming year to
turn out for your business. Listen
to four online lessons (and several
bonus audios), fill out the planning
questionnaires, and emerge
with a customized, feasible
month-by-month plan of action that makes your desired future happen.
course in marketing strategy
as it lays out a complete
methodology for charting a
course for the new year.
Marcia's approach does not
overwhelm you with too much
advice, but guides you through a
retrospective of what worked and
did not work in the past year.
This leads to the development of
a sound marketing plan for the
coming year that focuses on
building upon your past year
successes, eliminating
ineffective programs and
incorporating new ones with
better promise." - Henry
Bruce, Founder, Rock Annand
Group |
With your strategic yet concrete marketing plan, you stop depending on the habits that have taken you only so far.
Throughout the coming year, you'll know
how to do the right things at the right time
so you reap your desired business and
personal rewards.
The four steps in this course
This program is
inward-looking as well as
forward-looking, which ensures that it's
not an academic exercise but instead
truly fits your yearnings, personality,
and preferences. Here is the
four-step process in a nutshell:
Step 1: Take stock
of the previous year and identify
You're taken through a
series of questions that help you
reflect on where you succeeded best
during the previous year, where you left money on the
table and where you'd like to take your
business in the coming year. Learn new ways
to leverage what you've already done so
you can earn more with less effort.
Step 2: Discover
which tactics help achieve which goals
With specific goals
and personal preferences in view, you
start pinpointing which marketing and publicity tactics to
include in your marketing plan.
Detailed "If you want this, then do
that" guidelines and handouts help you assemble a tentative
list of to-do's for the coming year.
Step 3: Construct
your month-by-month marketing plan
Discover how to turn
all your maybes into a simple,
easy-to-follow action plan,
incorporating recommended frequencies,
sequences and practical timing for the
various components. Listen to a
consulting session in which I put
together a workable, specific plan for a
psychologist in private practice. Hear which
categories of items do not belong
in your plan, and why.
Step 4: Make sure
the plan is manageable
Before finalizing your
plan, it's crucial to look inside again
and think about what might get in the
way of carrying it out. You get a
multitude of tips on making sure your
action plan fits your strengths and
compensates for your weak points.
Your takeaway is a manageable,
unique-to-you marketing plan.
Then, get my advice and input
You're not left adrift
to get everything right in the planning
process. The course includes a
one-hour telephone consultation in which
I answer your questions, look over your
marketing plan draft if you've gotten
that far, and provide feedback on
tactics you've overlooked or
It's up to you at what
point in your planning process to
schedule the consultation. Some
people will prefer doing it while
they're pondering options in Step 2,
while others will want to talk with me
much later. We'll be in touch
about scheduling your time with me.
About your leader
Creative marketing
coach Marcia Yudkin has decades of
experience helping all kinds of
businesses with the creation and
execution of marketing and publicity
from marketing plan clients
on Marcia's background
No MBA-speak, no number-crunching
If you search the Internet for
"annual marketing plan" or
"sample marketing plans,"
here's what you’ll find. With rare exceptions,
such sample plans, services and software are crafted by steeped-in-jargon MBAs who want
you to analyze and rehash what you already know
and wrap your mind around concepts like
"macroenvironment," your
"contribution margin" and
"strategy pyramids."
(These words come from a site selling marketing plan
The Marketing Plan
Course uses no business-school
mumbo-jumbo, no pie charts, no
spreadsheets and no calculations.
Instead, with provocative questions,
information about which tactics help you
reach which goal and an easy
step-by-step process, you create a
simple, no-nonsense set of well-chosen actions to take month by month during
the year so you reach your objectives.
"Before I
took Marcia's Marketing Plan
course, I just let things
happen naturally, without
annual goals or a marketing
plan for my business.
Guess what happened? Not
much. Since participating in
the training, I've used
Marcia's step-by-step system
every December to examine
what worked and didn't work
the previous year, establish
the new year's goals and
create my annual marketing
plan. This in-depth
training will help you take
your business from wherever
it is today to where you
want it to be one year from
now, no guessing required."
- Kathy Goughenour, Trainer
and Coach, |
If you need a marketing plan as part of a search for funding or financing, the
Marketing Plan Course is not for you.
If you want a practical success plan that
gets you on track toward your goals and
moves you along, then sign up today at the bottom of this
page so you can dig in right away.
Two other distinctive
aspects of this marketing plan course
are the extent to which it encourages
you to take a broad view of your goals
and its emphasis on making sure you are
planning in a way that fits your
personality and habits - and the
capabilities and resources of your team,
if you have one - so the tasks in your plan
actually get accomplished.
How much is the Marketing Plan
Although clients have
paid me $3,000 and up for a customized one-year
marketing plan, this self-paced online
course with my one-on-one feedback and advice costs only $497.
If you prefer to
go it alone, you can take just the
online course (without my feedback
and advice) for only $297.
Is it for you?
This program is for
small business owners, solo
practitioners and marketing managers of
companies or non-profits of up to $10
million in annual sales.
I am very pleased with your
Marketing Plan program. As a
result of this course, I am now very
clear about my marketing goals
for the year ahead, and the
steps and resources needed to
achieve them. And the time
you spent on the phone with me
individually helped me to feel
genuinely supported in the
process. Thank you!" -
Stephanie Hessler, Owner &
Designer, Stephanie Hessler
Enterprises LLC |
If you have not yet
launched your business, there are a few
points in the Marketing Plan
Course that might not apply to you,
but on the whole, it takes you too by
the hand and shows you how to create a feasible
marketing action plan that successfully
launches your enterprise.
Is it guaranteed?
Yes, the Marketing
Plan Course includes a money-back
guarantee. Sign up and watch up to
20 percent of the online course content,
and if you decide it's not for you, just
let me know and I'll refund everything
you paid.
enrolling in the course now, you'll have
the whole marketing planning process in
your toolbox to use next year again, as
many times as you like and
for years to come.
How to sign up
The Marketing Plan
Course fee, including my feedback and
advice, is
After you order, you
get instant access with a password and
link to the online portion of the
course. I'll be in touch to
discuss when you want to schedule your
one-on-one consulting session.
Proceed at your own pace. It's
a fun, fulfilling, fruitful process!