Fast Free Course in Information Publishing
The article below is the fifth
of seven articles by infomarketing guru Marcia
Yudkin that give you a quick, well-informed introduction to the
key principles of creating and selling
information. After reading
this piece, click on "NEXT" to
read the next article in the series. START
Offers that Turn Lookers into Buyers
If you're getting only a sluggish response for a product or
service that people genuinely need, wake buyers up by
spicing up your offer. I've seen losing propositions become
winners with these four kinds of changes, which in most cases
cost you nothing:
1. Guarantees
With a strong,
simple guarantee, you can overcome the doubts of
people who have not done business with you
before, and calm down worriers who don't act
when they can think of too many "what ifs."
guarantee does not have to promise a
refund. Someone hiring an
exterminator service wants those
darned critters out, not their money
back. "We guarantee you'll be
pest-free for a year, or we'll come
back and spray again for no extra
charge" is the thing to promise
professionals tell us that a one-year guarantee
sells better, with fewer refund requests, than a
thirty-day guarantee, and a lifetime guarantee
does even better.
2. Package deals
If you sell office supplies, you might
think that folks going back to school know how to select
what they need. Perhaps, but why not make things easy for
them - and more profitable for you - by shrink-wrapping
three spiral notebooks, two packets of pens, a pocket
calendar and several semi-necessary items together in a Back
to School packet? This often persuades people to spend more
than they would on separate items.
The same principle applies to services, where you can
mobilize people who shy away from hourly fees with fixed-price bundles: only $350 for a will and a consultation on
estate planning. A name makes your bundle more appealing:
$150 for the "Get Organized Special."
3. Premiums
Try rousing sleepy customers with bonuses -
spend more than $100 and receive a free whooziwhatsit, which
isn't available any other way. One mail-order company
offered a free booklet with any order from that catalog, and
received 13 percent more orders from that catalog than
Begin Sharing What
You Know With Profitable Teleseminars
Discover how to quickly set up, run and
profit from a single teleclass or a
series of teleseminars. Learn why
this technically rather easy and costs
little or nothing to implement.
Find out why teleseminars may make more
sense for you than webinars, and get the
scoop on transforming a one-time event
into an audio product that earns you
money month after month. More
info on presenting teleseminars. |
Similarly, frequent-buyer programs have now
spread far beyond airlines, because they work. If
convenience-store patrons have a card to buy nine cups of
coffee and get the tenth free, they're more likely to
consolidate their coffee buying rather than buying sometimes
here and sometimes there.
4. Payment terms
When you let clients know they can
spread payments out over two or four months, you'll snag
some wavering over the money issue. But changing payment
terms doesn't necessarily mean you get your money later. I
know speakers and consultants who offered a 2 or 5 percent
discount for payment in advance, and received their money a
whole year before they would have otherwise!
Master Information Marketing - From Product Creation to Sales
In seven step-by-step lessons,
supplemented by one-on-one coaching, learn the easiest, most profitable ways to begin packaging and selling what you know. Move from making money only when you're working to enjoying while-you-sleep income.
Launch Your Information Empire
coaching program details. |
With any new offer, test, test, test. You can't know any
other way whether "Buy one, get the second one free" works
better or worse than "Buy two and each is half price."
Human beings are illogical creatures, and unexpected offers
can turn this fact to your advantage.
Online Courses That May Interest You
Launch Your Information Empire
The Sales Letter Makeover Course
The Press Release Makeover Course
The Mighty Postcard Marketing Course
Create a Practical Marketing Plan
Fact Checking Made Easy |